Hey kids! I'm Frank Perez, one of the hosts of NEW YORK KIDS. On the radio show, "TALKTIME" is when kids call and talk to each other about important issues. You can do the same thing right here!
Hi I’m Frank Perez, one of the hosts of NEW YORK KIDS. This
month's Talktime is about YOU! Tell us what
issues or problems you want to talk about in the future. Something that
feel strongly about. Kids aren't usually asked their opinions about the
President, or the city, or about school conditions. Maybe you'd like to
talk about gun control, or the price of MetroCards, or the price of school
lunch food. Tell us! Maybe we'll choose your topic for a future Talktime.
And if you send your email address, you could win a prize!
Now tell us what you think!
By the way, here are the rules for "TALKTIME": No swearing, no lying, no saying mean things about other people. A Web site producer will read your message and if it's ok, will post it in a few days for anyone else to read.
To See What Other Kids Said, Press Go!
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